Do guys really desire feminine women?
Some argue that in today's world, traditional gender roles have been mixed up. They claim that feminism takes precedence over femininity, and that the old-fashioned beliefs of male and female roles are merely relics of conservative ideologies.
I get why some may find femininity threatening, but I believe the truth is far more complex than that.
First and foremost, let's clarify that femininity is a wonderful thing, completely unrelated to being subservient or conforming to outdated notions of a housewife. That said, there are plenty of women who genuinely desire such roles, and we should respect and accept their choices.
Femininity is about embracing the essence of womanhood and establishing a deep connection with a man based on your innate, primal nature.
Once you grasp the dynamics of feminine behavior and understand why it captivates men at an instinctual level, you'll be able to attract the attention you desire from the right guy. You can even mend a relationship, whether it's with a current partner or an ex.
So, let's delve into six key points about what femininity truly is and why men yearn for it above all else in a relationship...
1. Femininity involves being an excellent receiver.
Flirting, being expressive, and exuding enthusiasm—all these qualities make you a skilled receiver. When men show you attention, you accept it graciously. You appreciate the effort they put in and reward them for it.
You respond with words and welcoming body language. They're motivated to work harder and receive more attention from you, intensifying the attraction. It becomes a delightful cycle.
2. Femininity is about living your best life and refusing to settle for mediocrity.
Authentic confidence comes from genuinely improving yourself and pursuing the life you truly desire. It's not about faking it with empty declarations of "I know I'm hot!" Unfortunately, many people suffer from low self-esteem and try to mask it by projecting a narcissistic image.
True confidence stems from living your best life, excelling at who you are, and creating a fulfilling existence. Transform your present reality, which may feel less fulfilling, into something remarkable that aligns with your dreams!
You'll notice a stark contrast between strutting around as if you're a Kardashian and becoming a high-value woman who believes in herself and embraces personal growth every single day.
That level of genuine confidence is what men find absolutely irresistible.
3. Femininity means understanding what men truly desire.
They want more than just sex; they want to feel needed! One of the most feminine and attention-grabbing approaches is learning how to make a man feel desired, wanted, and needed. A man's masculinity and how he believes others perceive him directly affect his confidence and overall happiness.
Instead of insulting or mocking men, assuming they enjoy a "challenge," focus on making them feel good about themselves. Boost their ego and let them experience a surge of energy simply by conversing with you. They'll remember that, no doubt.
Remember this: a man may not remember every word you say or every interaction you have, but he will always remember how you make him feel.
4. Femininity entails being intriguing and intelligent—rising above mediocrity and taking pride in it.
There's a misplaced stereotype that men despise smart women. That couldn't be further from the truth. In reality, every successful billionaire out there falls in love with someone who is "better than average." Someone intelligent, accomplished, and driven by a desire to create positive change in the world and enhance the quality of life for all. Men are captivated by women who possess such qualities.
The problem arises when smart and accomplished women unintentionally push men away by neglecting their feminine side. However, if you can authentically embody femininity, a man will undoubtedly take notice.
In fact, he'll be head over heels for you in no time, now that he truly feels your presence whenever he's around you.
Make it a point to engage in meaningful conversations about fascinating and important subjects. Have fun with it. Being more feminine with a man doesn't mean waiting for him to lead every conversation or idolizing him throughout the day.
To be interesting to him, show genuine interest in what he has to say and contribute engaging thoughts of your own. Value his opinions and ideas. This is what makes him feel masculine, needed, and brings out the best in him.
Remember, whenever the opportunity arises, encourage him to embrace his masculine side while you gracefully step into your feminine essence. This dynamic interaction creates a passionate connection between the two of you.
5. Femininity involves being independent and encouraging his independence.
Nurture separate lives alongside your shared one. Clingy and controlling behavior is a turn-off because it reveals weakness—male weakness. Feminine behavior is characterized, in part, by a strong desire for independence and an inclination to foster independence in your partner.
A woman who supports her man's outings with friends or encourages him to attend events alone (events that she may not personally find interesting) demonstrates trust in her partner. She promotes his happiness and individual pursuits, just as she has an independent life outside of the relationship. A strong relationship is built on mutual trust.
But what if he takes advantage of this freedom to cheat? Look for patterns, ask questions, and explore how his previous relationships concluded. People exhibit patterns, and whatever patterns he has will eventually manifest in your relationship as well. If he has a history of faithfulness, he's likely to remain faithful.
6. Femininity means having a healthy perspective on your body and sexuality.
Some women may struggle with how to express their femininity sexually without appearing overly aggressive. It all begins with maintaining a healthy self-image. Your body is beautiful, and it's essential to be with a man who appreciates your physicality.
If there's something about your body or sense of fashion that you're not entirely pleased with, make an effort to change your lifestyle and perception of yourself. True confidence comes from within and influences your entire outlook. Feeling sexy naturally attracts men because you radiate that energy.
And if you want to flirt in a feminine way, focus on FEELING sexy rather than solely trying to look sexy. Give yourself permission to be playful and later embrace your sexuality. This will attract a man and encourage him to make the first moves.
Remember, femininity isn't a throwback to a bygone era when women had limited choices in life. It's about prioritizing your personal growth, becoming the woman you aspire to be, and, last but not least, understanding what men truly desire.
You can learn more about this topic and how to transform into the woman men desires in our e-book "Be A Femme Fatale: Secrets to Making Him Obsessed"